Abuse happens every minute of everyday. Our job is to recognize it in others and even ourselves to stop it, and to inform others to it from spreading.
Physical abuse includes non accidental inflected injuries from bruises to burns , broken bones abusive head trauma and death causing bodily injury to a child is consider abuse, even if the care giver did not intend to cause harm when using corporal punishment.
Recognize abuse :
Four major types of abuse are commonly recognized often two or more occur together.
Physical abuse :
Emotional abuse :
Psychological abuse includes excessive yelling and intimidation, criticizing and belittling,and with holding of warmth love,attention,praise and encouragement emotional abuse almost always accompanies other forms of abuse and can be difficult to prove.
Neglect is the most common form of child mistreatment involves the failure to provide adequate food,clothing,shelter,supervision,education,guidence,emotional support or medical care.
Most parents who are accused of abuse or neglect actually care deeply about their children but lack of skills and resources to parent effectively.
Support service are available in every community to reduce the risk of child neglect or abuse by helping parents obtain needed food ,clothing,shelter,education and parenting classes.
Report abuse :
Under child welfare laws, professionals who work with children are required to report reasonable suspicious of abuse and neglect.
When do you report abuse ? When you witness someone hitting a child with an object, see bruises or other marks that do not appear to be the result of an accident, are told by a child that he or she has been harmed by someone,or are aware that a young child has been left unsupervised or appears under nourished. When you report suspected child abuse or neglect, you do not have to give your name and can not be held liable for damages under criminal or civil law.
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