biotique Bhringhraj oil

Friday 15 February 2019

21 Creative Teachers Whose Classes Are Hard to Miss

Teachers know that the hardest thing about their job is to spark the interest of their students in their subject. And the best way to do it is to be creative and find a non-standard approach. For example, proving that science can turn a person into a superhero that can’t be damaged even by a hammer, or showing impossible balance by holding an office chair on their chin. We want to give you the chance to take a look at these teachers!
we has found 21 people who treat teaching as something more than just a regular job and try to make the learning process as entertaining and interesting as possible.

1. “My chemistry teacher glued her calculators to bricks so they couldn’t be stolen.”

2. “Every time I see pictures in my students’ notebooks, I can’t help but add something with my red pen.”

3. “My teacher holds up a picture of his own face to make sure no student is lost during a fire drill.”

4. “I teach art at a middle school. During my free time, I like to draw pictures on my chalkboard for my students. This one’s from this semester.”

5. Teacher spends 70 hours creating incredible ’Harry Potter’ themed classroom

6. “My arts and crafts teacher made a graveyard for misused tools.”

7. “New people joined our art class, so instead of printing out a new copy of the class, our teacher just drew them.”

8. “My Spanish teacher makes everyone put their phones in a pouch before class.”

9. “My art teacher from grade school painted her door over the summer.”

10. This music teachers’ office has a unique knocking rhythm to summon a specific teacher.

11. “My Japanese teacher goes all out every Halloween.”

12. “My cooking teacher pinned this poor pizza to the blackboard.”

13. “My chemistry teacher has a periodic table made of QR codes.”

14. “Gotta get attention somehow.”

15. “My English teacher can balance an office chair on his chin.”

16. “On Valentine’s Day, one of my teachers puts hearts all over the school with everyone’s name on them for us to find.”

17. “So my algebra teacher is a huge LOTR fan.”

18. “My cousin is a science teacher. He built a hover craft for his students.”

19. “So we lost a ball today in gym class, this is how my gym teacher tried to get it down.”

20. “My HS science teacher laid on a bed of nails and let someone smash a cinderblock on another bed of nails on top of him.”

21. Bangkok University makes students wear anti-cheating helmets during mid-term exams.

Did you have a favorite teacher at school? Tell us in the comment section below.

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