biotique Bhringhraj oil

Monday, 29 January 2018

Here's how coconut oil can accelerate your weight loss plan

Not just one but many studies say that adding coconut oilto your diet can help you lose weight and specifically, that stubborn belly fat. The combination of fatty acids in coconut oil have a powerful effect on your metabolism. In fact, coconut oil is said to be the world's most weight loss friendly fat. The benefits do not end here as there are many reasons why coconut oil is the best oil for weight loss. Read more: Weight loss: Here's the DIET plan that helped this guy lose 43 kgs in 10 months!

It boosts metabolism

The fats in coconut oil vastly differ from fats in other food items. The difference is that most foods contain long-chain fatty acids whereas coconut oil has medium chains fatty acids. These medium chain fats are sent straight to the liver where either they are turned into ketone bodies or used for energy right away. According to an animal study, these medium chain fats are stored less efficiently than other fats. In another animal study, a group of rats were fed with medium chain fats and another group was fed with long-chain fats. The results were that the rats that were fed with medium chain fats gained 20 per cent less weight and 23 per cent less body fat than the rats fed on long-chain fats.

Another important property of coconut oil is its thermogenic nature. Eating it increases energy expenditure as compared to the same number of calories coming from any other source. According to a recent study taking 15-30 grams of coconut oil (medium chain fats) per day increased the burning of fat by 5 per cent which is 120 calories per day. Calories coming from coconut oil are different than calories coming from butter or olive oil though these are healthy too.

Coconut oil can reduce weight

We all know the first thing that we need to do to lose weight is creating a calorie deficit. Calorie deficit means burning more calories than what you intake. The medium chain fatty acids in coconut oil give you a feeling of fullness more than the same number of calories coming from other fats. A study where participants had high amount of medium chain fatty acid food consumed 256 fewer calories per day. Having medium chain fatty acid foods in a meal leads to less calorie intake in the subsequent meal.


At the end of the day, calories are calories no matter from where they come. Coconut oil has 9 calories per gram, so adding coconut oil to your diet above what you are eating will only increase the number of calories. So what you can do is you can replace your cooking oil with coconut oil which will not only not balance the number of calories but will also provide you with healthy medium chain fats.

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